Community of Faith Bible Church seeks to move people into membership, maturity, ministry and missions. This is no small task. In order to accomplish our task, we have designed an assimilation process. Our assimilation process is a system of seminars that we use as an avenue to make sure individuals are successfully connected to membership, maturity, ministry and missions in our local assembly. All members and prospective members are required to attend and abide by the directives of each seminar.
Membership Seminar – This seminar is designed to help you understand the mission of the church and what is expected of you if you want to become a member. If you are interested in being a member of our congregation, you must attend our membership seminar from beginning to end.
Maturity Seminar – This seminar is designed to help you understand the process of spiritual maturity. When you become a member of our congregation, we make sure that you are connected to our discipleship process. Our maturity seminar is the avenue by which we help each individual of the body get connected to the discipleship process. If you are interested in being a member of our congregation, you must attend our maturity seminar from beginning to end.
Ministry Seminar – This seminar is designed to help you learn the doctrine of spiritual gifts, to help you discover your spiritual gifts, and to help you connect to a ministry you can serve in accordingly. When you become a member of our congregation, we make sure that you serve in a ministry according to your spiritual gift(s). Our ministry seminar is the avenue by which we help each individual of the body connect to a ministry they can serve in according to their spiritual gift(s). If you are interested in being a member of our congregation, you must attend our ministry seminar from beginning to end.
Missions Seminar – This seminar is designed to help you learn the precepts and principles of evangelism. When you become a member of our congregation, we make sure that you participate in our evangelism projects. Our missions seminar is the avenue by which we help each individual of the body connect to the training in evangelism that we offer, as well as connect to the the various opportunities and ministries of evangelism we offer. If you are interested in being a member of our congregation, you must attend our missions seminar from beginning to end.
Money Management Seminar – This seminar is designed to help you learn God’s agenda on how to manage the money He has allotted to you in a manner that is God-honoring and Kingdom-minded. Our money management seminar is the avenue by which we help each individual of the body learn the precepts and principles for grace giving. If you are interested in being a member of our congregation, you must attend our money management seminar from beginning to end.
- Membership Seminar Phase 1 revised
- Maturity Seminar Phase 2 revised
- Ministry Seminar Phase 3
- Missions Seminar Phase 4
- Money Management Seminar Phase 5
I Am A Church Member Seminar – all persons interested in becoming members must attend the I Am a Church Member Seminar. The seminar is designed to teach the primary principles of what it means to function as a God-honoring church member and not self-serving church member.
Grace Relations Seminar – all persons interested in becoming members must attend the Grace Relations seminar. The seminar is designed to help the congregation understand how to relate to each according to various ethnic groups that exist within the congregation and within the biblical commands of Scripture.