Community of Faith Bible Church has five essential practices by which the Church functions. It is through these practices that our work of evangelism and discipleship takes place.

Step 1: Membership – building genuine relationships with one another within the local body and bringing those people we have led to become disciples through our evangelism into genuine relationship with us and others within the local body of Christ; holding one another accountable to live accordingly in Jesus Christ.
Step 2: Maturity – teaching the members within the local assembly who God is, what He requires, who we are in Christ, and how to function according to our new position, power, purity, purpose and passion in Jesus Christ; how to put off a life of sin and put on a life of righteousness according to our faith in Jesus Christ; helping members develop in the application of these things; teaching members the doctrines, disciplines, duties and demographics of the Christian faith and helping them develop in application of these things accordingly.
Step 3: Magnification – teaching members how to embrace and genuinely worship God according to who He is in character and what He has done; helping them grow in true worship.
Step 4: Ministry – helping members to discover their spiritual gifts; leading them to use their spiritual gifts to bear the burdens and meet the needs of one another within the local assembly; helping members to become builders of the body of Christ and ambassadors to the world for Christ.
Step 5: Missions – going out into the community, city, state, country and world to make Disciples of Jesus Christ.